Cosmetic DentistryNew Britain, CT

Having a healthy smile that also looks beautiful can do wonders for a person’s confidence. After all, your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so you want to make sure to make a good impression. Thanks to the cosmetic dentistry services at our New Britain, CT, dental office, you can get the lovely smile you deserve.

Whether you’re looking to change the size, shape, or even color of your teeth, we have a cosmetic dental procedure to help you. If you’re ready to achieve an incredible transformation of your smile, contact New Britain Dental Arts today to schedule your cosmetic appointment.

Tooth Bonding

It is surprisingly easy to chip a tooth, and while small chips don’t usually cause any dental health concerns, they can certainly look unsightly. Thanks to tooth bonding, we can repair chips and make it look like they never happened. To start the bonding process, we clean and shape the tooth to ensure the best application possible. We then apply the bonding material, which is a tooth-colored plastic that is malleable upon application and then cures to a strong, hard surface. We will shape the material based on your bite and the surrounding teeth, and once the bonding looks and feels good, we cure the material with a UV light. Finally, we polish the newly bonded tooth, and then you’re out the door with a new smile.

Bonding can also be used to repair cracks and improve discoloration. If you have concerns about any of these dental issues, speak with your dental team at your next appointment. We can discuss your needs and help determine if tooth bonding is the right option for you.

Dental Veneers

Although they can address many of the same issues, dental veneers provide a more lasting cosmetic option for our patients.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored porcelain that we adhere to the front side of teeth to give them a whole new look. The change can be as subtle or dramatic as you would like. Veneers are used almost exclusively on teeth that are visible when you smile. They provide a lasting cosmetic solution to chips, cracks, yellowing, and more.

The Veneers Process

Getting dental veneers takes a few appointments with our team. The multiple visits allow us to make sure the look and fit are just right and that your smile is exactly as you envisioned. 

  • We start with a consultation, during which we go over your dental concerns and your goals for your smile. We may take images and make molds of your teeth, and then use these to make mock-ups of your new smile. This is the time to make adjustments to the look, so don’t be afraid to tell us what you want. 
  • At your next appointment, we will remove a small amount of enamel from the teeth that are getting veneers. This ensures that, once in place, the veneers sit properly and don’t stick out compared to surrounding teeth. With the enamel gone, we take molds of the teeth to send to the lab for the creation of your veneers. Once the veneers are ready, you’ll come back once more to fit them and get them bonded to your teeth.
  • With your veneers in place, you’ll be able to get back to smiling with confidence again. You can help your veneers last decades by having a good oral hygiene routine and visiting our office for your biannual exams and cleanings.

A Stunning Smile Awaits

You deserve to feel confident when you show off your pearly whites. If your teeth don’t look quite as nice as you would like, schedule a cosmetic consultation at New Britain Dental Arts. Our team is passionate about helping our patients achieve their dream smiles!

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